Your Community Association Assessments – Working for You

As a resident of Desert Ridge Community Association (Master Association), you may be uncertain about what is covered by your master association annual assessment of $372.00 (paid semi-annually in the amount of $186.00 each January and July).

The following expense allocations are based on the approved DRCA 2015 Budget illustrating how the Master Association typically applies your annual assessment of $372.00

Landscape Maintenance    $96.52 (25.95%)
For the contracted landscape services related to the common areas streetscape, maintenance services, irrigation repairs, tree trimming, weed control, etc.

Administration    $66.73 (17.94%)   
For expenses related to the annual audit, taxes, licenses, insurance, legal services, consulting, postage, statements, reserve study, website, meetings, bad debt, collection costs and management fees.

On- Site Expenses    $66.03 (17.75%)
Contracted staffing costs for the five (5) on-site staff working for the master association and office rent.

Landscape Revenue Share    $56.97 (15.32%)
For the landscape maintenance assessments paid to to both Aviano and Fireside HOA from the Master Association to maintain the common area within these two neighborhoods that is the maintenance responsibility of the Desert Ridge Community Association.

Reserve Funding     $29.02 (7.80%)
For capital reserves that includes future replacement of capital items in the master association common area for monuments, bollard light fixtures, decomposed granite, Central Irrigation Controller System, walls/fencing, etc.

Community Patrols    $24.59 (6.61%)   
For common area community Off-Duty Phoenix Police Patrols Patrol, overnight parking enforcement, vandalism, etc.

Community Lifestyles     $16.70 (4.49%)
For expenses related to Desert Ridge Lifestyles events, programs, socials, sponsorships, outreach, magazine, promotion and advertising, and recreational activities.

Utilities     $15.44 (4.15%)
For water, sewer and electric expenses related to the common area streetscape, medians, washes and monuments.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair