Wildfire Elementary: Celebrating a successful year

Wildfire Elementary: Celebrating a successful year

We have had a fantastic year at Wildfire Elementary School. The 2022 – 2023 school year has been full of amazing lessons and learning experiences for our students. Our students have created masterpieces for display at the PV Art Show, performed in the State Honors Orchestra, competed at the PV School Field Day and much more. We are also very proud of our work this year as the only Paradise Valley School that is a part of NAU/APS STEM Schools For the Future Grant initiative which is helping us to continue to build our STEM programs and learning opportunities. 

As we move into the end of the school year, our students and staff are working hard and dedicating themselves to showing what they have learned and what they can do on the upcoming State assessments and to continue to earn our “A” rating from the Arizona Department of Education. We also have a variety of events, field trips, and learning opportunities planned for the end of the that will be sure to create wonderful memories and valuable lessons for our students.

As we look ahead to the 2023-2024 school year, we have a lot to be excited about. In addition to targeting specific skills and learning goals, we are excited to build our outdoor classrooms, refine our PBIS initiatives, as well as continue to provide our students with amazing opportunities in and outside of our classroom walls.

We are currently taking enrollments and accepting open enrollment applications for the 2023-2024 school year. If you or someone you know is looking for a great school, please visit our school website at wildfire.pvschools.net to learn more about Wildfire and set up a tour. Be

sure to check out our Facebook (@FESFirebirds) and Twitter (@WFESFirebirds) to see the awesome things happening at WFES and learn why our school is the place for your family. We look forward to seeing you at Wildfire Elementary School. 


Go Firebirds!

Ryan Schoonover

Principal of Wildfire Elementary School


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair