Message From the Communications Chair

Stay Connected

As we continue to refine and improve our communication within the Desert Ridge Community, we look to each of you to find the best way (for you) to stay connected. This magazine, the Desert Ridge Lifestyles website ( and our weekly e-mail blasts will all begin to show consistent, unified messaging. We respect and want to support the different ways in which people gather information. If you aren’t getting the Desert Ridge e-mails, please call 480-551-4300 and get connected.

I look to each of you and encourage your feedback, always. We can only improve as a community if we are all involved. Please come to the monthly HOA meetings, provide feedback, support local events and businesses and simply do what you can. We are all busy, but we all play a critical role in making Desert Ridge the best place in the Valley to live. Please do what you can, when you can, to stay involved……We’re ALL counting on it!

Finally, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the contributions of our previous Communications Chair and Secretary, Dan Oseran. Dan worked countless hours on this magazine, sat on multiple committees, and was involved in many projects within our community. His leadership, insight and dedication to this community and board will be missed. Thank you for your time on the board Dan. Desert Ridge is a better place to live because of you and I am thankful we can still call you, “neighbor”.


Brad Slager

Communications Committee Chair

Desert Ridge Community Association


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair