Desert Ridge Monument Sign

Make a Resolution to Get More Involved in Your Community!

Are you interested in serving on the Desert Ridge Community Association Board of Directors?

Serving on the Board of Directors is a great way to make an impact in your community!

Milestones to Remember

A request for board candidates will be sent to all members on January 26th. Candidate forms will be provided via an eblast notice and on website.

Board Candidate forms are due back to the Community Association by Friday, February 12th at 5pm.

Meet & Greet the Board Candidates at 11am, Sunday, February 14th at the DRCA Farmers Market Cashman Park at Desert Ridge.

Meet & Greet the Board Candidates at the 6pm, Wednesday, February 24th DRCA Board of Directors Meeting.

Meet & Greet the Board Candidates at 11am, Sunday, March 13th at the DRCA Farmers Market Cashman Park at Desert Ridge.

Candidate Ballots for election to the Board of Directors are mailed to all members on Friday, March 18th.

APRIL 21, 2016
DRCA Annual Meeting of Members and announcement of election results.

More information will be sent during the approaching months. Stay tuned to your community magazine, Desert Ridge Lifestyles, and upcoming eblasts and mailings.

If you think you may be interested in serving and would like to speak with a current board member, contact or


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair

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