Letters to the Editor

You are invited to write your thoughts or comments to the Desert Ridge Lifestyles editor at: editor@desertridgelifestyles.com


I absolutely love the Desert Ridge Lifestyles (DRL) Magazine! I am concerned however, that the magazine must cost the community a lot of money to produce. What do we pay for this quarterly publication?


Editor: For nearly three years now, the DRL Magazine has been profitable. As a result of our community businesses, generous advertising support, this magazine has actually been a profit center for the Desert Ridge Community Association. If you are interested in advertising in this first-class community publication, please call our Desert Ridge Lifestyles Coordinator, Mallory Peil at 480-551-4559, or mallory.peil@fsresidential.com


I am new to Desert Ridge and receive the magazine, but my neighbors tell me there are e-mail blasts that they receive as residents too. How do I get on that list, so I stay informed?


Editor: As a homeowner in Desert Ridge, there are several resources available to keep you connected! The first is our community website. To

get there, log onto: www.desertridgelifestyles.com. The site has current events, current and past DRL Magazine articles as well as a calendar of

community meetings. Second, make sure your information (e-mail, phone and current mailing address) is current on FSR Connect (our Community

Management website). Finally, feel free to contact your Management Team at 480-551-4300, or desertridge.az@fsresidential.com.


I read the exciting news about the improvements to Cashman Park. Will there be a Grand Re-Opening Party when it’s done?


Editor: Yes! Although the park will open after the improvements have been approved by the City of Phoenix later this month, the Desert Ridge

Lifestyles Committee is planning a celebration after it cools down a bit in October. Stay tuned!


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair