Holiday Season Crime Prevention

By Officer Tim Mitten
Community Action Officer


The holiday season is in full swing and for some people this creates opportunities for them to commit crime. The holiday season is fraught with thefts and scams as suspects attempt and some succeed in removing your hard earned dollars and items from you. The holidays are a time of reflection, family and friends and looking forward to the new year so here are a few tips to help reduce the chances of you becoming a victim.

  1. When walking to and from stores, mall, etc keep your head up and be aware of your surroundings, Walk with a purpose, do not divert your attention by texting or talking on the phone, digging for car keys or be burdened with too many bags or packages.


  1. Park in a well lite area, do not park in dark or far away places. I know it is difficult to find good parking, but do the best you can. If you go in at daylight hours and think you might be inside until it is dark, park as if it were dark.


  1. Roll the windows on your car all the way up and LOCK your car. Do not leave valuables, packages, etc in plain view inside the car, put them all in the trunk.


  1. Do not keep large amounts of cash with you or display cash when shopping. Take with you only what you need for the day. Be on guard while at ATM’s.


  1. Keep a constant eye on your children. ALWAYS know where they are and keep them in sight. Children are easily distracted by the decorations and excitement of the holidays and may wander off in only a couple seconds.


  1. Do not drink and drive, please use a designated driver or call a taxi. This time of the year many people have holiday functions from work or family and drink when they usually don’t and make a bad decision and drive. Please enjoy the season but drive responsibly and patiently. Everyone has a lot to do and if we can exercise patience on the roadways we can reduce accidents.


  1. Make sure the doors and windows to your home are locked, the front lights are on all night and keep a watchful eye for suspicious activity. If you are expecting deliveries and you will not be home, ask a trusted neighbor to pick them up when they arrive. Please call Crime Stop at 602-262-6151 if you see suspicious activity.


  1. Do not respond to any “great deal” or “too good to be true” emails from companies, especially ones you do not know. They are more than likely scams and are trying to get your bank information. Only use secure websites that you know are valid businesses. Do not respond to solicitations over email or phones that sound phony or suspicious.


  1. Please drive carefully, schools will be out on winter break and many kids will be out in the neighborhoods trying out new bikes, toys, etc and you need to be ever mindful of their presence.


  1. Lastly, be patient. The crowds are larger, people are rushed and stressed. Many people do not like the holidays and can act out so please exercise patient when out and we all can enjoy the holidays in our own joyful way.


Thank you again for another year of working together. I am always looking for ways to help improve your community’s quality of life by making sure your neighborhood is safe and secure so if there is anything I can do or if you have any questions on any matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 602-495-5238 or at  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair