Desert Ridge Monument Sign

Holiday Party

By Laura McConnell
DRPG Hospitality Chairperson

Thirty couples from DRPG got together to Eat, Drink, & Be Merry at the annual Holiday Party.  This year Stephanie Kern (Facebook Admin, Bunco Chair, and former DRPG President) put together a fantastic event at Grimaldi’s Pizzeria in DC Ranch.  Our group had the private patio to jingle and mingle the night away!  Members participated in a white elephant gift exchange with good gifts people actually wanted to take home. 

Special guest “Santa” himself along with his side kick “Elf” showed up for pictures and to deliver goodies to the group…why should the kids get to have all the fun during the most wonderful time of year?  The parents group is already looking forward to celebrating together next year.

Tis the Season!


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair

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