Habitat for Humanity

By Alyssia Saxton
Lifestyles Coordinator
Desert Ridge Community Association


In today’s economy, especially the Real Estate market, the average person wouldn’t think to build a new house due to the costs involved.  So what about those who can’t even afford to buy a house?  How do we help those who are in need of a place to call “Home?”

There is one non-profit organization that can help!  Habitat for Humanity of Central Arizona (HFHCAZ), a Christian-based organization that builds affordable homes in partnership with families in need since 1985.  As an independent non-profit organization of Central Arizona and an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, their funding comes from local contributions and partnerships and bring together individuals and groups, faith communities, educational institutions, corporations, and the community to work and help eliminate sub-standard housing.  The core of their mission is Home Sponsorship.  Home Sponsorship can be done in many ways like individual donations whether it is cash gifts, property or even stock.  It can also be done at a corporate level.  It is also a great way to team build and have group volunteers make a difference together.  Camp Habitat was created just for that where groups of volunteers can work together side-by-side with the homeowners.  Thanks to the successful partnerships between volunteers, qualified families and donors, HFHCAZ has built, renovated and repaired over 825 homes in the metro Phoenix area.  Their goal for 2012 is to build 100 homes.

Ron McKee a homeowner of Desert Ridge and Board of Directors President of Belle Monte has contributed 3 years of service to HFHCAZ.  He serves as a “Team Leader” on the Saturday volunteer group and supervises, encourages, and motivates the volunteers.  He is contributing to his 11th house and 3rd renovation.  He and his wife both serve the HFHCAZ as volunteers in addition to running their own business.  Ron became involved with HFHCAZ through his church.  His least favorite duty when volunteering is painting but he enjoys every bit of volunteering and helping families.

Their Corporate Office is in Peoria and their website is www.habitatcaz.org where you can learn more about Habitat for Humanity, where their current volunteer location is and how to sign-up as an individual volunteer or as a group.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair