From the President

Fighting Crime in Desert Ridge

For the past six years, our DRCA Board has focused on reducing crime in Desert Ridge. While that isn’t a responsibility normally associated with a community association, it is our belief that safe neighborhoods with

low crime rates support high property values. As your representatives, our primary responsibility must be to maximize property values – but we can’t do it alone.

What You Can Do

We’ve instituted many different programs that have cut the overall crime rate by over 70% since 2008, but there is still crime in Desert Ridge. One crime is too much crime. Fortunately, there are some simple steps

that you can take to help us fight crime.

Five Steps to Fight Crime:

1. Close your garage door when not in use

2. Put a lock on your side gate

3. Know your primary neighbors, those next door to you and across the street

4. Before vacation, call the police for a free Vacation Watch

5. Keep any valuables in cars out of sight


These five steps take very little time, but can make a significant difference in lowering our crime rate. None of them are expensive and, if you’re like me, you already have an unused lock or two. If each of us can do our part, criminals will take notice, as will Desert Ridge homebuyers. Join your Desert Ridge Board in reducing crime and making Desert Ridge one of the safest and most desirable communities in Phoenix.

On behalf of our Board, I thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you in the neighborhood.

Doug Dickson


Desert Ridge Community Association


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair