Desert Ridge Monument Sign

Dog Waste Stations

Did you know…. the Desert Ridge Community Association Board (DRCA) of Directors has increased the number of dog waste stations along common areas over the past 3 years?

Contributed by Carmello Musarra
Residential Community Manager

In 2013, the DRCA Board approved the addition of 32 dog waste stations to be installed along areas where dog waste was accumulating without collection by some pet owners. In 2016, the management team along with the help of AAA Landscape located additional locations in the community that were lacking dog waste stations. These locations were presented to the DRCA board of directors for their review and consideration and 10 additional stations were installed along these locations. There are now a total of 52 dog waste stations in the DRCA common areas and additional stations located within the sub-association communities.

These dog waste stations have been added to provide dog waste bags and trash cans throughout the common area of the community for residents that walk their pets.

If you plan to walk in areas where there are no dog waste stations, please be reminded to carry bags with you to clean up your pets waste.

We enjoy many amenities in our community, nice walkways, sidewalks and green areas. It becomes difficult to truly enjoy these if they are littered with pet waste and unpleasant odors.

Please do your part and pick up after your pet. Help keep Desert Ridge a great place to live.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair

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