Community Policing

New police chief key to keeping neighborhoods safe

The diversity of Phoenix is one of its greatest strengths. Each neighborhood, regardless of its location within the city, deserves equal protection and attention from the Phoenix Police Department.

With that in mind, my emphasis on community policing provides the blue-print for a strong relationship between Phoenix residents and our public safety and community officers.

Residents should feel that they can count on police, no matter what part of town they live in. Our new Police Chief, Daniel V. Garcia, will make it happen.

Chief Garcia is a welcome development for our city as he brings with him 34 years of experience as a veteran of the Dallas Police Department.

He has served on the front lines of policing for many years, and has worked in various assignments, uniformed and “plain-clothed.” He also has been active in his community with the Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and multiple other community boards and associations.

Most importantly, Chief Garcia has a staunch passion for protecting Phoenix residents and a strong background in community-policing.

As Mayor, I hold the Phoenix Police Department to the highest of standards and I can confidently say that Police Chief Garcia shares a similar mindset. The safety and security of the City of Phoenix is much more than rhetoric; it is a fundamental commitment to each and every Phoenix resident.

Phoenix is fortunate to count on approximately 3,100 sworn officers to help ensure the safety of Phoenix residents across all areas, and more specifically, all neighborhoods of the city.

Under the direction of a strong and committed leader, our police department will continue to serve and protect our residents both through crime prevention measures and collaborative initiatives.

By fostering the exchange of ideas and encouraging a close alliance, residents and the Phoenix Police Department will both benefit from an increased measure of trust and security in the safety of the city.

Phoenix residents deserve to know that their safety and the security of their families are being protected.

Through community policing efforts, the best police force in the country, the Phoenix Police Department, will continue to improve and seek to protect the safety of each and every Phoenix resident.

As Mayor the safety of our residents, families and children is my top priority. I encourage you to share your ideas and concerns with my office at any time. Please contact me in the following ways:

Twitter: @mayorstanton

Thank you,

Greg Stanton, Mayor of Phoenix


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair