Cashman Park Update – CPEC Next Steps

Now that a majority of the community has voted in favor of the project for the Association utilizing $500,000 from the Desert Ridge Reserve Funds to make improvements to Cashman Park, the work for the Cashman Park Exploratory Committee (CPEC) is just beginning. We have already started working with the City of Phoenix on a Development Agreement. The Development Agreement will be presented to the DRCA Board for approval consideration.

Here are the key deal points proposed by CPEC:
1) In exchange for funding the project the Association would like the park renamed to “Cashman Park at Desert Ridge”. We feel adding Desert Ridge to the name will provide a stronger connection to our residents and the association.
2) We would like the City to inspect and accept the “Improvements” at the completion of the project for long term maintenance. We would like a basic maintenance schedule established in the agreement. We understand that replacement cannot be guaranteed however some level of commitment in that regard is desired.
3) The Association would like some level of “self-help” rights in order to maintain the Improvements, if necessary.

Once the agreement has been established we will begin working with McGough Group, our landscape consultant, to develop the concept plan that was approved into final construction drawings. When complete we will competitively bid the project to a qualified list of contractors. The results will be presented to the DRCA Board for approval

Our goal is to have the park improvements completed by the fall of this year; however, the schedule will largely depend on how long it takes us to reach an Agreement and obtain City of Phoenix approval of the construction drawings.

We look forward to completing this project on behalf of the residents and DRCA Board. We will continue to provide progress updates at the monthly board meetings.

Thank you for you continued interest and support!

Greg Abrams
Cashman Park Exploratory Committee Chair


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair