Black Mountain Boulevard Update

By Doug Dickson
Communications Committee
Desert Ridge Community Association


The Black Mountain Boulevard (BMB) is a proposed major arterial roadway in the City of Phoenix General Plan extending south approximately five miles from the Sonoran Desert Drive/Cave Creek Road intersection through Desert Ridge to north and south bound ramp connections at the SR 51. City of Phoenix officials believe this roadway would significantly improve access within the Desert View Village area of north Phoenix.

Since 1990, planning efforts for BMB, including the ramp connections to the SR 51 Freeway have been on-going. Preliminary Engineering and an Environmental Assessment started in late 2011 and a team studied a range of alternatives, including a “no connection to SR 51” option. A series of public meetings were held from January of 2012 through June 2013 and public input was collected through July 8, 2013.

Based on the results of the alternatives evaluation process, two proposals are being prepared: 1) The Build Alternative with 1A-S (south of Pinnacle Peak Road) and 1-N (north of Pinnacle Peak Road) and 2) The No Build Alternative 4 (no SR51 connection). Both alternatives have gone through detailed environmental analysis, and are being submitted to federal officials. City officials feel that The Build Alternative best meets the project’s purpose and will be carried forward as the preferred alternative.

The final design of the project will complete in early 2014. If all approvals for the project are received, construction will begin in 2014 and complete the following year.

A video presentation, maps and detailed information on the project can be found on the project website:


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