Avoiding The Crime During Holiday Time


Someone is at your door, but you aren’t expecting anyone. You look out and see someone you don’t recognize. What do you do? The answer is to always respond. However, responding doesn’t mean you have to open the door. Calling out to ask “How may I help you?” is usually the best way to start. Often times, a criminal will check to see if anyone is home before breaking in. Letting them know someone is home is usually a strong deterrent to the criminal element. If they ask for someone who doesn’t live in your home, call the police immediately. That’s a trick burglars have been using for years.

What about door-to-door solicitors? We have definitely seen an increase of door-to-door “Reps” claiming to work for various companies. Some of these people may indeed work with or be affiliated with, a particular company, but despite their official looking embroidered shirts, they are not an actual employee of that company. This may not apply to all companies, but when it comes to the utilities, APS, CenturyLink, Cox Communications, and Southwest Gas, their employees will not come to your home unless you call for service. Keep in mind, regardless of the person’s intentions; you have every right to ask them to leave or to respond politely by saying “No thank you”, “Now’s not a good time”, or even “Sorry, I’m on a call right now”.

Why are the police in my neighborhood?
During the Holiday Season, you will notice more Phoenix Police driving around Desert Ridge. This is because the DRCA Board of Directors has authorized an increase in Phoenix Police off-duty patrols. In fact, the amount of patrols will nearly double during the Holiday Season.

Holiday safety tips
Even with the increased police patrols, you still need to be aware of your surroundings and take appropriate precautions. Below are my annual Holiday safety tips to help get you through the season safely.

When Shopping, or Out and About

  • Take only the credit cards you need when shopping. Leave the others in a safe place at home.
  • When paying with a credit card, make sure that the card is not easily visible to others around you. There are crooks that can memorize your card number in a matter of seconds.
  • Keep your purse or wallet close to you at all times.
  • Do not carry excessive or unnecessary cash on you.
  • Shop in the daylight if possible. When shopping after dark always park in a well-lit area.
  • Shop with a friend when possible, because there’s safety in numbers.
  • Do not leave your purse, wallet, cell phone, or any other valuables in plain view.
  • When you return to your vehicle, scan the interior to be sure no one is hiding inside.
  • When placing purchases from the stores in your vehicle, place them out of sight. The best place is in the trunk.
  • After putting packages in your vehicle, drive to different row before going to another store. Do this even if you are simply going back to the same store.
  • Try not to park next to a larger vehicle, that blocks your vision while you are entering or exiting your vehicle.
  • Have your keys out and ready when approaching your vehicle.

When Home

  • To help prevent vandalism, turn off inflatable decorations at a specific time. If convenient, bring them up to the front porch or close to the house.
  • Keep the front of the house well lit and make sure that trees and bushes are trimmed so that doors and windows can easily be seen.
  • Install an alarm system if possible (see my article from the Spring issue).
  • Beware of door-to-door charity scams.
  • Keep an eye out for parcel deliveries; packages on porches are big targets.
  • Make sure that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have fresh batteries and are functioning properly (Make sure that you have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors).
  • Do not leave boxes from your gifts in plain site before or after the holidays. A box from a flat screen TV is advertising to a criminal that you have what they’re looking for.

When Leaving Town

  • Have mail held at the post office while you’re away.
  • Use timers on lights to give the appearance that someone is home.
  • Let a loved one or someone else that you trust know the route that you’re taking. This goes especially if you will be traveling in snowy or icy conditions.
  • Register for Vacation Watch with the City of Phoenix Police department.

By utilizing these tips, having heightened awareness, and by using some common sense, we can all have a safer and more joyous holiday season.

If you’re interested in learning how to start a neighborhood block watch program, please contact the Desert Ridge Community Association office at 480-551-4553.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair