Welcome Back Market on High Street

By Kathy Crawford,
Communications Committee Chair, and
Brad Slager, Communications Committee
Desert Ridge Community Association


It is October 21, 2012 and we welcome our friends at the Market on High Street back for a third season.  This outdoor market of food and wares has been a wonderful addition to the “shops on High Street” and to our community.  We thought it might be interesting after some time to check in with our retail friends along High Street to see what they thought  the Market brought to them.  We caught up with the wonderful folks from Ocean Prime, The Bridal Store, Lenscrafters, Kona Grill and Mello Mushroom.   We asked a few questions and here is what they had to say:

We asked how long they had been at this location – Kona Grill said 5 years, Mello Mushroom only 3 ½ months, Lenscrafters – 4 years, The Bridal Store only 8 months and Ocean Prime has been with us 4 years.  When asked what made them decide on the Desert Ridge area some couldn’t answer the question because it was a corporate decision that their management might not have known but others did answer:  Mello Mushroom said “it is an up and coming area, and family friendly neighborhood yet sophisticated”,  Lenscrafters said pretty much the same thing along with The Bridal Store who added “a certain prestige although our customer is budget wise” and Ocean Prime offered “the initial promise of a large multi-purpose complex”.

We thought there might have been some challenges given the economy and we were surprised to hear from The Bridal Store that they didn’t have any but Lenscrafters said that there were traffic challenges and so did Ocean Prime.  We then supposed that the Market on High Street might help with traffic and for those businesses open on Sundays, that turned out to be true.  Lenscrafters said that the traffic is much greater in their store on MOHS Sundays, Kona Grill says they get new business on those Sundays.  The business that weren’t here last year are happy to welcome MOHS.  And it has been said that some of our folks would love to see MOHS more often!!

All of the retail partners we talked with like the time and date of the MOHS and feel that those who frequent the event are certainly their customers, too.  And some of the partners also offer coupons or specials to those attending the event so be sure to ask.

Market on High Street is every third Sunday of the month from 10 am-2 pm.  We hope to see you there!!!!


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair