Springtime at Explorer Middle School

Springtime at Explorer Middle School

Springtime at Explorer Middle is a time of change. With a new semester beginning, students have new elective classes and teachers. From Engineering to Art to Digital Media to Spanish and French, students are immersing themselves in new learning.

As trees bud and flowers start blooming, students at Explorer have many activities to keep them busy. Not only is there football and volleyball after school, but NJHS projects, student council events, an eighth grade trip to Washington D.C. and STEM trip to California. Explorer staff offer many after school activities for young minds to grow and bloom.

With the arrival of Spring, Explorer students (and staff) eagerly await spring break. Many of our

students travel during spring break. The most common destinations are California and Rocky Point,

Mexico. Some of our students will relax at local resorts working on their tans for summer.

Whatever they do, they are sure to have a fun and relaxing vacation.

Springtime is a time of growth and change, and that is no different for our students.

They get a little taller, a little more social…anticipating that change to a new grade—

8th or high school. The students begin to apply all the learning that has taken place up

to this point, and ideas and projects abound.

Welcome Spring time.

Lisa D. Stewart, M.Ed

English 8 Explorer Middle



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Officer Jeffrey Blair