Pioneers with a Vision

Pioneers with a Vision

The bold pioneers of early Arizona shared a vision of a better Arizona in the future.

Desert Ridge has captured the trailblazing spirit of these pioneers. Its master plan explores new ideas in community development. Concern for preserving the character of the Sonoran Desert is a key element of the plan, as is providing an environment of personal safety and secure property values. It is a place where its residents, merchants and employers can plan their futures. Desert Ridge’s developers are pioneering real estate for the 21st Century, while demonstrating their respect for the past reflective in the neighborhood names of our community.

Homebuilder Subdivision Names

Continental Homes

Hunters Run at Desert Ridge

Many of the Arizona pioneers were hunters.

Cactus Bloom at Desert Ridge

The flower or blossoms from the desert cactus.

Diamond Key

Diamond Point at Desert Ridge

Richmond American

Sierra Pass at Desert Ridge

Sierra, Spanish word for saw; referring to saw-toothed mountain range.

Elliot Homes

Bear Creek at Desert Ridge

Indicative of the large number of grizzly bears which once roamed the Arizona territory.

Regalia at Desert Ridge

Regalia, distinguishing symbols or emblems of military rank.

Iron Springs at Desert Ridge

In the 1890’s, the Iron Springs Railroad was frequented by Phoenix commuters living in the mountains on weekends and commuting to the Valley during the week.

 Morrison Homes

Glen Eagle at Desert Ridge

 Shea Homes

Wildflower at Desert Ridge

Wildflower, a flower growing and living in a natural state.

Mesquite Highlands at DesertRidge

Mesquite, low-growing, thorny, shrub-liketree of hardwood. The beans of this tree were ground by Indians for flour, and the thickets of its groves serve as a shelter for animals.

UDC Homes

Mission Greens at Desert Ridge

Mission refers to the Spanish missionaries in Arizona.


Wildfire Golf Course Subdivision Names

Lockwood Estates at Desert Ridge

Ironwood Greens at Desert Ridge

1903-1977 In honor of Lorna Lockwood, the first woman to serve as Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court.

Leroux Springs at Desert Ridge

1800’s – 1861 A French merchant turned mountain man who served as a guide for the Mormon Battalion, Joaquin Antoine Leroux aka Watkins Leroux was assigned to build roads across Arizona, two of which became I-10 and I-8.

Expedition Point at Desert Ridge

In honor of the Arizona explorers who undertook many journeys.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair