Did You Know?

Did You Know?

The Desert Ridge master-planned community is over 5,700 acres and is anticipated to have a population someday of approximately 50,000 residents.  Creating the master plan and zoning for Desert Ridge took more than 8 years to complete.  The end result is a thoughtfully designed community that ensures long-term value and a high standard of living for Desert Ridge residents.  With exciting amenities, award-winning community landscaping, inviting neighborhoods, and quality builders, there’s no better place to live.


2013 Community Investments
By Terrance Smith, Community General Manager, Desert Ridge Community Association

Did you know that the Desert Ridge Community Association (Master Association) has invested in several community improvements projects during 2013 aimed at enhancing the community property values, appeal, appearance, and lifestyles.  Many of these improvements will provide significant cost savings and beautification to the community for several years to come…and can be seen throughout and around the residential areas of Desert Ridge involving the following:

The Master Association recently established and launched the “Desert Ridge Silent Witness Reward Fund Program” for information leading to an arrest or indictment, with respect to crime within the residential areas of the community involving vandalism, graffiti and burglaries.

Desert Ridge replaced its aging Central Irrigation Controller System (CICS) which should result in 15%-20% in water conservation and savings to the community annually.  Water leaks and all other irrigation related problems can now be detected and managed by CICS to immediately prevent excessive water usage.

Desert Ridge retrofitted 208 concrete walkway light bollards with LED lighting that will result in over $25K annually in electric savings and over $335K over the life of the LED bulbs that have a warranty of eight (8) years.

Desert Ridge is presently spearheading the development and fabrication of a steel/metal light protective cover for the concrete walkway light bollards that will significantly reduce and/or eliminate its annual vandalism replacement costs for the current plastic light covers, resulting in about $10K in savings annually.

Desert Ridge enhanced ten (10) secondary monuments by installing new landscape material, decomposed granite, irrigation, decorative boulders, LED lighting and the “Desert Ridge” brand signage.

Desert Ridge also enhanced three (3) neighborhood monuments for Fiesta and Sierra Pass with new landscape material ,decomposed granite, irrigation, decorative boulders, LED lighting and rebranding new signage to these respective neighborhood monuments.

Desert Ridge performed monument repairs, patch and paint maintenance at the ten (10) secondary and three (3) neighborhood monuments.

The Master Association install a total of 2-3 Argentine Giant Cacti at each of the arterial, secondary and neighborhood monuments to enhance and accent the existing and/or new landscape material installed at these locations.

The association installed a total of 42 new dog waste stations throughout the community walkways, wash paths and trail areas to accommodate and encourage clean-up of dog waste so that Desert Ridge remains a pristine and beautiful community for everyone to enjoy and proud to call home.

Desert Ridge replenished the decomposed granite in the medians running along 40th Street (from Pinnacle Road to Mayo Blvd), the Mayo Blvd Medians, Black Mountain Medians (from Mayo Blvd to Deer Valley),  the Deer Valley Medians between Black Mountain Blvd to Aviano Way, the north streetscape along Deer Valley at Tatum Blvd and the Reach 11 along Tatum Blvd adjacent to Horse Lovers Park.

The association is in the final stages of executing an Escrow Agreement with a builder/developer that will provide future funding in excess of $284K to Desert Ridge to cover the future development costs of an undeveloped landscape area annexed to Desert Ridge.

Desert Ridge is partnering with the City of Phoenix to address a public street traffic noise nuisance involving four (4) scored intersections throughout the community.  This partnership will enable Desert Ridge Community Association to participate with the City of Phoenix to address the removal of the decorative scored concrete at these intersections at the association’s expense.  The City of Phoenix has agreed to participate in this project by asphalting the intersections once the decorative scored concrete has been removed at the City’s expense and maintaining these intersections henceforth.  This partnership represents
a project cost savings of $135,624.61 to the community of Desert Ridge.

Desert Ridge recently replaced over 3,400 missing plants and trees throughout the community resulting in
a cost savings of $46K to the association due to the shared costs extended by the association’s landscape provider  and community partner.

Desert Ridge refurbished and restored the 39 historic plaques throughout the community wash paths and walkways.

Desert Ridge recently met with the PVUSD regarding an erosion area adjacent to Desert Trails Elementary School that is maintained by Master Association garnering the PVUSD Maintenance responsibility to take on the expense and corrective steps to address the drain and drain pipe problems identified as causing the erosion to the Master Association maintenance Common Area.

Desert Ridge performed a community enhancement project consisting of the removal of the Angelita Daisies at over 67 medians and streetscape locations and replacing the landscape material removed with new plants, cacti, and decomposed granite to enhance the curb appeal throughout the community.

The Association completed GPS mapping of all the APS light poles that are under the paint maintenance responsibility of Desert Ridge in preparation of performing future paint maintenance of the APS poles.

Desert Ridge recently enhanced our community website providing our residents with improved navigation and search tools, functionality, new layouts, features and expanded information.  Go to www.desertridgelifestyles.com to view the upgraded site and connect to your community!

Desert Ridge retrofitted a total of 26 arterial and secondary monuments LED light fixtures in concrete.

Desert Ridge is planning the repair and/or replacement of the deteriorating decorative flagstone identified for maintenance throughout the community.

Desert Ridge approved ongoing perimeter wall repairs and paint maintenance identified throughout the residential areas west of Tatum Blvd.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair