Growing-Up with Desert Ridge® Parents’ Group

The Desert Ridge® Parents’ Group (DRPG) is a fun-filled organization for parents and children in the North phoenix area.  All families in the Desert Ridge® community are invited to check out our activities and events! Founded in 1997, the not-for-profit Desert Ridge® Parents’ Group (DRPG) hosts weekly playgroups, monthly kids’ and family activities, seasonal events and parents-only nights for residents in desert Ridge and surrounding areas. Membership dues are only $30 per year.

Visit to learn more, check out our events calendar and to become a member online.


By Stacy Rosenthal
Desert Ridge® Parents’ Group Founder

In 1996, my husband and I moved to Desert Ridge.  At that time, the Desert Ridge Marketplace was still a patch of untouched desert and the Marriott was a “resort to be determined” on the large map that was in our builder’s office.  Greg and I loved the idea of being within walking distance of an elementary school (which had yet to be built) and Cashman Park.  We talked about how great it would be to meet other families with young children and to be part of a growing community.

The reality, however, was that it was difficult to connect to others.  I loaded my one and three year old into our wagon and walked the washes, in hopes of seeing other families with small children.  We had lived in Desert Ridge for about six months when I decided to tape flyers on all of the mailboxes to invite all families to a gathering in the park to discuss starting a parents’ group.  (Very old school! Remember that this was 1997 and there was no Facebook, blogs or texting). I was overwhelmed when 42 people showed up to volunteer their time and enthusiasm toward launching the Desert Ridge Parents’ Group!  The rest, as they say, is history.

Greg and I now have one son in college, one a senior in high school and a daughter in middle school.  All three kids remain friends with kids they met in DRPG playgroups.  We still consider ourselves fortunate to have friends in the neighborhood, as well. Throughout the years, we have watched each other’s children grow, achieve and celebrate milestones and we have been there for each other through good times and bad.   We could not really have anticipated these lifelong connections all those years ago, when we started a group to break up the sometimes challenging times of raising toddlers and preschoolers.  But kids grow.  Life happens and suddenly you are taking pictures of your playgroup at high school graduation.  This is what it has meant to be part of the Desert Ridge Parents’ Group.

We have always been grateful to live in a community where we know our neighbors, share our struggles and successes with other parents and where we watch out for each other and our kids.  At this stage of parenting, I would offer the following advice to those with younger children:  Parenting isn’t designed to be done alone.  Even the worst day with a teething baby can be made better when you can commiserate with others who have teething babies. Be part of this community.  Step up and be a leader.  Make the decision to engage and connect to other Desert Ridge parents.  It will impact you in lasting and meaningful ways.  There are many opportunities to connect through the DRPG, regardless if you work inside or out of the home, have a traditional or unconventional family, have younger or older kids.  Please join us today.  You won’t ever regret it!

Meet and Greet
October 26th

Our Newest Playgroup!
Our Baby Playgroup is meeting on Mondays at 2:30

Slow Pitch Softball Team
Starting January
You don’t need to be a member to participate

Visit to learn more, check out our events calendar and to become a member online.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair