Desert Ridge Monument Sign

Desert Ridge® Parents’ Group (DRPG)

The Desert Ridge® Parents’ Group (DRPG) is a fun-filled organization for parents and children in the North phoenix area. All families in the Desert Ridge® community are invited to check out our activities and events! Founded in 1997, the not-for-profit Desert Ridge® Parents’ Group (DRPG) hosts weekly playgroups, monthly kids’ and family activities,seasonal events and parents-only nights for residents in desert Ridge and surrounding areas. Membership dues are only $30 per year.

Visit to learn more, check out our events calendar and to become a member online.


What is DRPG?

To say it simply: DRPG (Desert Ridge Parents Group) is a parents group that offers activities for its members.  To explain what DRPG means to me, takes a bit longer… My experience with DRPG began when I moved to Phoenix and joined the group in 2008. I didn’t realize then what impact it would have on my life over the next few years. At the time, I was a new mom of a 7-monthold, who had just moved more than 2,000 miles away from my family and friends in Florida, and I was out of work. Needless to say, I was stressed and in need of support and friends! Thankfully, I found both in DRPG! I started meeting with one of the playgroups and soon found common ground with other moms who were going through some of the same nerve-racking things that I was. I wound up meeting the other moms once or twice a week, and realizing that our “play-dates” were as much for us, as it was for our kids.

Years later, DRPG continues to provide the support that my family and I need. I am proud and honored to be a part of this organization. For those of you who are thinking of joining, be assured, DRPG has something for everyone! Every year, we have annual events (like Spring Flings and Fall Festivals), but also offer support to our members through discussion forums, playgroups (for all ages), philanthropy, and Food Tidings (meals delivered to new moms and dads).

I encourage you to join us. You can attend as many (or as few) activities that you want. We are here to support local families like yours, and I know that you will find the experience as rewarding as I have!

For more info, go to and follow us on Facebook!

Stephanie Kern

DRPG President


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair

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