Annual Meeting Topics

By Dan Oseran
Communications Committee Chair
Desert Ridge Community Association

The Desert Ridge Annual meeting is one of several meetings that the Desert Ridge Community Association has throughout the year.  The annual meeting, which is required by our bylaws, serves the purpose of installing new Directors to the Desert Ridge Board, and we have historically used it as an opportunity to have key business and political leaders talk to us about our community and its place in their agenda.  In the past, we have had the Police Chief, City Council Members and Congressional Representatives meet our Community at the annual meeting.  Although our monthly meetings are where more routine business happens, our annual meeting also requires an approval of the previous year’s minutes and allows for Community members to address the Board with questions and comments.

This year’s Annual Meeting will take place on April 17, 2014 at 6pm.  The JW Marriott is once again kindly playing host to our annual meeting in their conference and ballroom center.  We will have a special guest on hand for this year’s annual meeting in Mayor Greg Stanton.  It will be a great opportunity for us in Desert Ridge, sometimes referred to as a City within a City, to understand where our community, its growth, and our culture fit into the rest of the City of Phoenix’s plans.

We will be electing 3 new  board members this year, so take a moment to meet the people that volunteer to help run the Community   Join us and the Mayor on April 17th at 6pm for the 2014 Annual Meeting.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair