ALERT – Silent Witness Program

Dear Desert Ridge Residents,

On behalf of the Desert Ridge Community Association Board of Directors, the Community Awareness Committee would like to wish you a happy new year and make you aware of some recent criminal activities that took place in Desert Ridge and were reported to the Phoenix Police Department:

1. Vehicles have been vandalized with car windows being shot out by vandals using a BB or pellet gun(s).

2. Residential mailboxes have been burglarized and vandalized throughout the community.

3. Graffiti (tagging) is happening in some of the common areas.

4. Circuit breaker boxes have also been switched off at homes throughout Desert Ridge. Note: It is suggested that homeowners consider securing their circuit breaker box with a lock and/or installing motion sensor lights near their circuit breaker boxes to deter this activity. Please note that Design Review Committee approval is required before installing any new exterior lighting to a residential home.

Your Desert Ridge Community Association Board of Directors is working on your behalf to make Desert Ridge a better place to live. One measure, the Phoenix Police Department Off-Duty Patrol Program, instituted by the board has drastically helped to reduce crime. Unfortunately, this program by itself cannot completely eliminate crime in a community the size of Desert Ridge. We need your help in keeping an eye out for anything or anyone that seems out of place. We would also like to encourage every homeowner to discuss the above activities with all members of your household so that our entire community is on alert.

In addition, the Desert Ridge Community Association (Master Association) recently established a matching fund with “Silent Witness” that pays up to $2,000 for information that leads to the arrest and/or indictment of any individual(s) committing felony crimes in our community. Please review and share the attached Desert Ridge Silent Witness Program information with members of your household. You, or someone else in your home, may be eligible to claim a cash reward for information leading to the arrest and/or indictment of the individual(s) that have committed any of the crimes listed above. And, the Silent Witness program is completely anonymous!

Thank you all for helping “take a bite out of crime” and for making Desert Ridge a better place to live. We all need to work together to keep our community safe and beautiful for many years to come.

Steve Burns
Community Awareness Committee



Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair