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6 Simple Steps to Prevent Crime

6 Simple Steps to Prevent Crime

Learn easy ways to deter theft, vandalism and other crimes in your neighborhood and become a proactive member of your community.

Our association strives to make all residents feel secure by reducing possible dangers in our community. However, we can’t do it alone. It’s up to everyone to pitch in to keep crime rates down. Thankfully, taking a few simple steps can go a long way in keeping theft, vandalism, and other felonies and misdemeanors out of the association. Here are six easy tips to help make our community safer:

1. Know Your Neighbors.  

Get to know your neighbors from all parts of the association. This way, you’ll have a better idea of who belongs here, and you can find out if they’ve noticed any crimes or suspicious activity in the association recently. Consider creating a contact list to alert each other of any problems that arise, but be sure to get your neighbors’ permission first.

2.  Clean It Up. 

Picking up litter, removing graffiti, and keeping trees, bushes, and lawns trimmed not only makes the association look better but also sends the message that our residents are diligent about keeping the neighborhood a respectable place to live. This can discourage troublemakers from hanging around and encourage responsible people to move here.

3. Leave The Light On.

Deter felons from breaking into your home by leaving your front porch light on all night, even when you’re out of town. It signals that someone’s home, and it makes it harder for vandals to hide among the shadows. If you’re worried about forgetting to turn the light on or off, you can purchase an inexpensive timer that will automatically do it for you every day.

4. Lock Up. 

Keep all gates, doors, and garages locked at all times, even when you’re around. It’s also a good idea to keep your windows closed and locked when possible, especially if they’re on the ground floor.

5. Put On Your Walking Shoes.

Taking a stroll around the association is not only good exercise, but it also allows you to patrol the community for anything suspicious and swap notes about criminal activity with other neighbors. More residents walking around can help scare off potential prowlers.

6. See Something, Say Something. 

Notify the police immediately if you notice a crime or suspicious activity, regardless of how small the incident may seem. Call 911 only in emergencies; otherwise, contact the police on their non-emergency line at 602.262.6151.

We all have a responsibility to help keep our community safe. Incorporating even a few of these tips can go a long way. Let’s all do our part to make our association a place we’re happy to call home.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair

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