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Latest District 2 Posts

Building a Better Community

Building a Better Community

By Officer Tim Mitten Community Action Officer Black Mountain Precinct Phoenix Police Department   Well another year has come and gone. 2012 was memorable in many ways, both nationally and locally, some great things and some horrific things. The passage of time...

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Drug Prevention

Officer Timothy Mitten Community Action Officer Black Mountain Precinct Phoenix Police Department   I have often said that in today’s society our children face many more challenges than we did as children. From technology, mass media, and the prevalence of drugs...

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Operation Hope An Update

By Kathy Crawford Communications Committee Desert Ridge Community Association   Our Black Mountain Precinct  is made up of  fine men and women who are not only dedicated to patrol our neighborhoods and commercial area,  investigate criminal matters,...

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Cashman Park Forum

Cashman Park Forum

Why it is Worth Improving the Neighborhood Gem Sue Hutchison Member of Desert Ridge Parents Group   For those not familiar with the neighborhood park located in Desert Ridge, Cashman Park was established over fifteen years ago. Owned and maintained by the City of...

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Community Policing

Community Policing

New police chief key to keeping neighborhoods safe The diversity of Phoenix is one of its greatest strengths. Each neighborhood, regardless of its location within the city, deserves equal protection and attention from the Phoenix Police Department. With that in mind,...

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Social Media and Crime Prevention

September 2012 Officer Timothy Mitten Community Action Officer BlackMountainPrecinct Phoenix Police Department   If you would have said the words “like me on Facebook” or “follow me on Twitter” just a few years ago, people would have looked at you like you were...

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Black Mountain Blvd – PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE

Dear Resident: The City of Phoenix is presenting the alternatives analysis for the Black Mountain Boulevard Study and asking for your participation at the Public Open House on Thursday, August 30, 2012 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Explorer Middle School, 22401 North...

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Traffic Matters

Traffic Matters

By Officer Tim Mitten Community Action Officer Black Mountain Precinct Phoenix Police Department   I attend many community meetings and interact with numerous residents in the communities I serve and one of the more prevalent concerns brought to my attention,...

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Operation Heroin

The officers of our Black Mountain Precinct are dedicated to providing great service to us acting to prevent, suppress and solve crimes.  One of the ways they are doing this is to educated the community and provide community collaboration and partnerships regarding...

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CONTACT Joyce Valdez 602-262-6213, After managing through a more than $330 million deficit over the last two years, Phoenix officials are projecting no deficit for the upcoming fiscal year. "Revenues are improving and the city is successfully...

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District 2 News

Jim Waring Phoenix District 2, Councilman I am grateful for the opportunity I will have to work with you to better our community as your new Phoenix City Councilman.  It is an honor to represent an area with which I am extremely familiar.  I live just south of Desert...

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