Jim Waring
Phoenix District 2, Councilman
I am grateful for the opportunity I will have to work with you to better our community as your new Phoenix City Councilman. It is an honor to represent an area with which I am extremely familiar. I live just south of Desert Ridge, and am excited about the chance to serve our neighborhood.
If you ever have an issue and believe we can help, please contact me.
The office phone number is 602-262-7445 or you can send an email to [email protected]. We will work with you and other city staff to resolve the issue. Please contact me if you are in a group or organization and would like me to attend an event. I will do my best to be there.
Secondly, I would like to tell you about the opportunities available to you to get involved with the city. If you would like to volunteer your time to help make our neighborhood a better place, the City of Phoenix has a new website that makes it easy to see what’s available. Please visit the website www.myvolunteerphoenix.org or email volunteer@ phoenix.gov to get a list of volunteer opportunities that are available.
Finally, I would love to have your input on how to make our city more efficient and effective. My grass roots campaigns have always focused on meeting voters face to face; and I have received many great ideas about how to improve government. Please ask questions or make suggestions!
I look forward to working with you.
Jim Waring