Desert Ridge Monument Sign
Reading Greens

Reading Greens

Arguably, putting should be one of the easiest parts to the game of golf. However, the putting green is the place where we can waste a lot of strokes. One of the most important pieces of being a great putter is to read the putt correctly. When reading a putt, you will...
Summer Safety

Summer Safety

As the temperatures rise and the days get longer, summer brings with it a host of outdoor activities and opportunities for fun. However, it’s important to remember that with the joys of summer there are also potential risks to our health and well-being. Last...
Boost Your Confidence

Boost Your Confidence

Feeling and looking your best daily is more important than ever in a world full of challenges and pressures. Positive habits can make a huge difference in boosting your self-esteem and enhancing your well-being. By focusing on simple yet effective practices, from...
Paradise Valley Community College

Paradise Valley Community College

You’ve driven by it and it’s one of your landmarks for direction. It’s Paradise Valley Community College (PVCC). And what you may not know is plenty. PVCC offers expected core classes and programs in fields including technology, behavioral sciences, education,...

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