The qualifications established by the Desert Ridge Community Association’s (“Association”) Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Desert Ridge as recorded and amended (CC&R’s) and the Association’s Nominating Committee per Section 3.8 of the Association’s Bylaws for being nominated to serve on the Board are listed below. Please review each item closely before submitting your candidate application for consideration.
Comply with the following requirements per the CC&R’s, and must remain in compliance through the Annual Meeting:
- Must be an owner of record in the Association or an entity owner of record in the Association. If you are a representative of a confirmed entity owner of record you must provide a signed, notarized letter from the owner of record, appointing you as its’ representative.
- Must be a member in good standing, with all assessments current (no more than 30 days delinquent) and no outstanding violation(s) of the CC&R’s.
- Must not have member rights suspended by the Board of Directors for any violations of the Association’s governing documents.
- Must not be involved in current litigation regarding compliance or dispute with Association’s governing documents.
- Must commit to attend regularly scheduled board meetings (at least once a month), as well as the additional time that may be required in order to participate at the committee level.
Additional Qualifications
Established by the Association’s Nominating Committee:
- Must attend the Annual Meeting – 6:00pm, Thursday, April 17, 2025. (Note: Should a majority voted member be unable to attend the meeting due to an extenuating circumstance the Nominating Committee may determine if said circumstance warrants consideration).
- Must attend the Organizational Meeting scheduled within 5 business days following the Annual Meeting.
- Must attend new Board Member training, scheduled within 5 business days following the Annual Meeting.
- Attendance at a Board of Directors Meeting, prior to the election, is strongly suggested. Board meetings are the 4th Wednesday of each month (except April, July, November, and December) presently in person meetings starting at 6:00pm.
- Must comply with all governing documents and provide all information on candidate form.
Other Questions?
Please contact Terrance Smith, Executive Director, at the Desert Ridge Community Association office at 480-551-4550 or by email to [email protected] for more information.
Thank you for your valued interest and participation in our community!
FAQs: Board of Directors
Q: What does the Nominating Committee do?
The Nominating Committee’s primary function is to ensure that the community has qualified candidates nominated from the Desert Ridge community to serve as Members of the Community Master Association Board of Directors.
Q: What does the Nominating Committee have planned for the upcoming board election year?
This issue contains both the board candidate interest announcement and the requirements and qualifications and email address for the application forms. There will be a “Meet the Candidates” night at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, February 26th at the DRCA Board of Directors Meeting.
Q: How many positions are available this year and how long will my term be?
Out of the five member seats on the Board of Directors, there are two (2) seats on the Board of Directors that are available for election in 2025. Directors are elected to serve two-year terms. In 2025, these two positions will be elected for a two-year term since the two-year term for these two seats will have expired in April 2024. Therefore, these two positions will serve two-year terms.
Q: What is the process for running for a position on the Board?
Contact the Association office at: 480-551-4550 or email to: [email protected] or stop by the Association’s office (5415 E. High Street, Suite 133, Phoenix 85054) to obtain the candidate application form.
Return all candidate application forms to the Association office no later than 5:00pm on Friday, February 7th.
In addition, candidates are required to attend the “Meet the Candidates” Meet & Greet / Q&A Night to be held during the DRCA Board of Director Meeting on Wednesday, February 26th at 6:00pm.
Candidates are also required to attend one of the two “Meet & Greet the Board Candidates” either on Sunday, February 16th or Sunday, March 9th at the High Street Farmers Market Desert Ridge Community Association booth at 11:00AM.
Candidates must also attend the Desert Ridge Community Association Annual Membership Meeting on Thursday, April 17th. Candidate attendance at this meeting is mandatory!
Q: What are the Directors’ responsibilities?
The Desert Ridge Community Association is an Arizona-chartered, 501(c)(4) nonprofit social welfare organization. Directors are responsible for operating and maintaining the “common area” property of the community, reviewing and approving all site plans and improvements within the community, and providing coordination and oversight of the community subsidiary associations and subdivisions. Luckily, we have a management company that handles most of the day-to-day operations.
Q: What is the time commitment needed while serving on the Board?
The Board typically holds one Open Session and one Executive Session per month, which takes approximately 2-3 hours, combined. There are presently five standing committees that each have varying meeting schedules determined by their respective committee charter. Depending on which committee you would like to be involved with, an additional 1-2 hours per week may be required. Typically, the time commitment averages about 8 hours a month.
Q: When and where is the Board of Directors Meetings?
The meeting schedule is actually determined by the Board of Directors. Our current meeting schedule is the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm (except for the months of April, July, November and December), via in-person meetings
Q: Do you incur personal liability by serving on the Board?
Generally, as long as a Director act in good faith with the best interests of the community first, doesn’t break any laws, or have any personal benefit, the Association indemnifies the Directors. The Association’s Articles of Incorporation provide the most comprehensive explanation of liability. Please read and understand them fully for yourself. The Articles of Incorporation can be found on FirstService Connect, the community information website.
Q: How does the election actually work?
There is a one vote per lot for each available position on the board. A qualified Owner will be able to cast one vote for up to 3 candidates. No cumulative voting permitted.
Q: Do developers and commercial entities get to vote?
Yes, qualified developers and commercial entities are members and get to vote. The Desert Ridge Board is not a Homeowners Association, it is a Community Association. One of the great things about Desert Ridge is that it is still a progressive development, and only about 50% of the total parceled land have homes built on them. Since the voting is determined per lot, there is still significant involvement by residential and commercial developers.
Tips for people who are running:
Get out there and talk to your neighbors – ask them what their concerns are for the community. Let them know you’re running. Candidates may speak with developers as well as the commercial interests. And thank you for getting involved!