Winter 2016 Keeping Up with PVCC

PVCC Honors Veterans

PVCC’s new Veterans Services office was unveiled recently at an Open House for campus and community members. Those in attendance included MCCCD Governing Board members Mr. John Heep, Mr. Dana Saar, and Desert Ridge resident Ms. Johanna Haver, who represents District 3.

Attendees toured the new space, a comfortable, welcoming area where student Veterans can study, socialize, and access Veteran-specific resources. The area is ideal for study sessions, guest speakers and events of interest to student Veterans and their dependents.

PVCC President Paul Dale welcomed guests and said of the new facility, “We want to wear this place out, and make it a hub of activity.”

Added student Veteran Dustin Logan, “This is a space where we can be with fellow veterans, and where we can have study groups and work with one another. It’s a place where we can be ourselves.”

The event also honored Major General Carl Schneider (USAF Ret.), who served more than 30 years in the Air Force as a commander and pilot. Since retirement, he has volunteered his time to PVCC staff, mentored students, and provided his personal television and library collection for our Veteran students.

PVCC is not only recognized as a Military Friendly School by G.I. Jobs Magazine, but was also recently honored as a Top School in the Military Advanced Education & Transition (MAET) Guide to Colleges and Universities research study.

Check out PVCC Veterans Week Appreciation videos at

Fired Up! Hot Raku Night
Saturday, February 20, 6-9 pm
You may feel the “Ghost” of Patrick Swayze as you enjoy this perfect pottery date night.  The evening includes appetizers, dessert, music, pottery throwing demonstration and, of course, your selected piece to design, glaze, RAKU fire, and take home. It’s also a great outing for friends!  Funds raised benefit PVCC’s Pottery Program.  For information and registration, contact |

North Valley Stem Celebration
Paradise Valley Community College is excited to host the 2nd Annual North Valley STEM (Science|Technology|Engineering|Mathematics) Celebration on Saturday, February 20.  Presented in partnership with PV Schools, the daylong festival brings the community together in a one-stop showcase that also includes the arts (STEAM).

Students and teachers from PVSchools, PVCC faculty, and students will all participate in bringing STEAM education to life through demonstrations, displays, discussions, and hands-on activities. K-12 and college-age students, their families, and the general public are all invited to attend the NVSC to learn about STEAM-related studies and careers.

The entire PVCC campus will be transformed into “STE(A)M City,” with featured destinations at art, music, math, business/IT, geology, physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, nursing, paramedicine and dietary technology program areas.  Highlights include: a ball-shooting robot; pizza ordering app; the neurobiology of music; DNA ID kit; rocket launching; digital music; and more!

From 8 am – 12 pm, entries in the Central Arizona Regional Science and Engineering Fair (CARSEF) will be judged.  Ongoing public events and activities take place from noon – 4 pm.

For sponsorship and science fair entry details, visit:

Performing Arts Calendar Highlights

(Subject to change)
View complete calendar at

Desperado LGBT Film Festival
January 29 – 31 | Tickets
Info at

The Arts & Artists Through Film | FREE
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Feb. 3 – The Page Turner
(France, R, 85 min)

Feb. 17 – Il Postino (Italy, PG, 108 min)

Mar. 2 – Strictly Ballroom
(Australia, PG, 94 min)

Phoenix Experimental Arts Festival
Saturday, Feb 20, 7:30 pm | FREE

Phoenix Symphony Strings
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 12 – 3 pm | FREE

The Secret in the Wings, by Mary Zimmerman
Feb. 26, 27, 28; Mar. 4, 5, 6 | Tickets

The Phoenix Opera Presents: An Evening at the Opera
Saturday, Feb. 27, 7:30 pm | Tickets

PVCC Chamber Ensembles Concert
Tuesday, Mar. 1, 7:30 pm &
Thursday, Mar. 3 | FREE

Keep up with PVCC – Your Community College – at


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair