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Why Does My Elbow Hurt?

Why Does My Elbow Hurt?






By Ryan Lasley, PT, MPT, COMT
Spooner Physical Therapy
Desert Ridge


Most adults will experience some form of elbow pain in their adult lives. The elbow is a common region for pain and typically present in adults from their mid-thirties and throughout their working years. Most often adult elbow pain starts with no causation however, pain can start from trauma as well. Pain is often experienced for long periods of time with bouts of improvements and regressions. Symptoms may change often and without reason. This frequently leads to people experiencing confusion and uncertainty. The adult elbow is much more difficult to diagnose and treat than one might expect. Often the cause for elbow pain can be multifactorial and complex in nature. Areas often associated with elbow pain include the neck, shoulder complex, elbow/forearm complex, and the wrist that can be a cause of their pain. Most people wait, for any given reason, to obtain an expert opinion while only prolonging their pain and agony. On some occasions waiting to treat elbow pain may be the most prudent option available however, waiting too long may result in a worsening condition.

When identifying elbow pain there are common signs to be wary of


and questions that should be asked when determining if a professional opinion should be sought after. First, how did the pain start? In adults there is generally a lack of reason to why pain starts. Pain can be an age dependent response to natural changes the body undergoes or the pain might be a byproduct of an injury of some sort. Second, how does the pain present? The way elbow pain presents is often very difficult for the uninformed person to understand. In most cases the elbow pain experienced changes constantly making it hard to diagnose. All of the random internet searches performed by a person may not yield the answers to why the elbow is hurting. Third, how long have I been dealing with the pain? Most adults wait too long before being treated for elbow pain and as a result they are prone to need more invasive treatment measures such as injections, bracing, or even surgical procedures.

If you are able to identify with any or all of the questions posed above you should seek out professional help when attempting to address elbow pain. Physical and Occupational therapists are just the qualified professionals needed to perform detailed and individualized examinations of the elbow. These health care professionals possess the education and expertise necessary to determine the cause of musculoskeletal-based pain and then how to treat it effectively. Such qualified therapists can be found within the Desert Ridge Community at Spooner Physical Therapy. Don’t wait, seek the appropriate treatment today.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair

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