Trick or Treat: Tips for a Safe Night

Contributed by Steve Burns
Community Awareness
Committee Chairman

Halloween is a fun time in Desert Ridge. I’ve compiled these seven tips to help you and your kids stay safe when out in the community, or wherever your Halloween plans may take you.

  1. Plan Your Route Before You Go
    Know the route your kids are going to take before they leave the house. With younger children that you are accompanying, be sure to stick to a route that you and your child are familiar with.
  2. Stay on the Sidewalks
    Always stay on paths, sidewalks, or on the far edge of the road where there is no path or sidewalk. Walk facing traffic whenever possible
  3. Wear Comfortable ShoesMake sure to wear well-fitting shoes. Moms and girls in long costumes should stay away from heels, to avoid tripping in the dark.
  4. Be Sure You’re Seen
    Add reflective tape to your child’s costume to increase visibility. Also, carry a glow stick or flashlight with you to keep your child’s path lit at all times.
  5. Don’t Go Alone
    Try to go in groups or with at least one adult. Never send younger children out alone – they should be with a parent, guardian, or another trusted adult.
  6. Choose the Houses Where You Stop
    While trick-or-treating, only stop at well-lit houses. Try not to go past the front porch, and never enter a home without a trusted adult.
  7. Wait Until the Candy is Examined Before Eating it
  8. Only Eat Factory-wrapped Items.
    Avoid homemade treats or questionable items. Have an adult go through the candy before you eat any of it.

Stay safe and enjoy the night.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair