The 2023 Budget & Association Fees

As an association, we have an enviable record on cost control. Since 2004, we’ve only increased our semi-annual dues once. Ask yourself, what other bill do you pay that has gone up only one time in the past 18 years?

When times have been lean, we’ve successfully found areas to cut back; when our budget went further than forecasted, we’ve refunded the surplus back to members or added to the reserves for our association. This strategy has been incredibly effective and working together, the DRCA Board and staff have avoided increases year after year.

In recent years, we’ve seen costs rise dramatically. Inflation now is running at near 40 year highs, and increases mandated by minimum wage laws, the rising cost of fuel, medical insurance and other expenses have all negatively impacted our bottom line. Anyone who has filled up a gas tank recently or purchased food understands these expenses are real and increases are unavoidable.

Despite these challenges, we’ve maintained our community and raised our expectations every year. As Desert Ridge residents, we have high standards for our community. We want safe, highly desirable neighborhoods that are well maintained; lifestyle activities that build a spirit of community, and the enforcement of our governing documents to protect and increase our property values. Our Board focuses on these priorities and accomplishes all of it, with a fee of just $222 each six months.


From 1995 – 2004, our Association was under the control of the master developer and Association fees increased five times. Since 2004, our Association has been under homeowner control and fees have increased only one time. The table below illustrates our fees if they had been raised each year for inflation.

As you can see, if adjusted only for inflation, DRCA fees should have risen to $581 per year.

Fortunately, the DRCA Board has worked hard to keep fees increases to a minimum. Our preliminary budget for 2023 projects an increase of just $7 per month. That decision will be final when the budget is approved in a future board meeting.

Not only have we been successful in keeping the lid on Association fees, we have also dramatically increased the services we provide including: Off-duty Officer Patrol, overnight parking enforcement, Farmer’s Markets, Holiday Lights, Lifestyles Magazine, website and monthly lifestyles events.

Thank you to everyone who serves as a board member in Desert Ridge, the staff of the various management companies within our community and to every member of our Association who has contributed to our success. You are appreciated! Desert Ridge is a terrific place to live and I hope to see you in the neighborhood!

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Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair