Pinnacle High School
Teen Drug & Alcohol Prevention & Mental Health Awareness
In January 2016, a group of Pinnacle High School (PHS) students came to administration and their teachers asking for support for those with mental health concerns especially for suicide and depression. We had seen the number of attempts and completions on the rise, and there were dozens each year that were either hospitalized or getting help for suicidal thoughts and attempts.
A group of students came to us that had severe depression, had been hospitalized, and were struggling to get help. Each of them had different situations, and a couple of them were hiding it so well that teachers and parents had no idea. I was one of those teachers.
PHS stepped up and immediately started to discuss how we could support these students. During this time a couple of these students stood up and told their stories to the staff which resulted in overwhelming school wide support of focusing on mental health awareness.
Since then, the Mental Health Awareness Initiative (MHAI) is a student driven focus on our campus with the intention of breaking the negative stigmatism associated with mental health. There have been over 40 staff members that have volunteered to train in “Safe Talk”, a program designed to train individuals to be a point of contact and a safe person to talk to about suicidal thoughts. PHS has not had a completed suicide by a student during the school year for the past two years!!
In March of 2017, a grant opportunity became available for drug and alcohol prevention. In May of 2017, Pinnacle High School was awarded the grant from the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family to participate in the Arizona High School Health & Wellness Program. The grant focuses on drug and alcohol prevention and is a continuation of Pinnacle High School’s commitment to mental health awareness.
All freshmen enrolled in Life Concepts classes are participating in evidence based curriculum, Life Skills, by Botvin and taught by a trained individual. The 10-day course is an integrated approach that helps to develop personal, interpersonal, and drug resistance skills. While the grant focuses on Freshmen, PHS wants to offer opportunities for all students to become educated and informed about effects of using drugs and alcohol. We would also like to increase awareness in the community about the pressures our youth are undergoing, and would like to offer alternate activities for them to attend instead of using drugs and alcohol.
Moving forward:
We would love to involve the community as much as possible in a collaborative effort to help and support all community members. We would like to spread the word on mental health awareness, which we have developed a logo for (by a former student) and the slogan “We Will Listen.” We would love any help, ideas, support from our community residents, professionals and stakeholders. PHS’s prevention coach would like to discuss needs and ideas of how to come together and prevent the use of drugs and alcohol by our youth, and set up support services for any community member in need.
The point of contact for the grant is:
Kelly Tommasino
Pinnacle High School
Pinnacle High School was highlighted last year in a video documentary by “ButNotMYkid” for the suicide prevention focus the students, teachers and administrators have brought to the forefront. To view the video documentary, please go to: