Jim Tuffin – Thanks for Your Service

Jim-TuffinJim Tuffin – Thanks for Your Service and the Memories

With this year’s annual election behind the association and as we look forward to the new board term, we would be remised to not acknowledge and thank Mr. Jim Tuffin for his meritorious service during his two-year term as the Desert Ridge Community Association Board Treasurer and Finance Committee Chairperson.

Jim served as a community volunteer board officer from April 2015 through April 2017. Jim is a practicing attorney who brought a tremendous amount of expertise, professionalism, perspective and resourcefulness to the association during his term on the board. Although Jim’s contributions may be too numerous to mention, below are a few of the noteworthy achievements/accomplishments during his term of office:

• He is responsible for revising the DRCA Investment Policy relative to determining the most suitable investment options between CDs and/or bonds to ensure expected revenues at maturity to meet the association’s future reserve expenditures.
• Increased reserve funding leaving the association at 91% funded at the end of his term up from the 78% funding level that existed when he joined the board.
• Reinstituted annual budget planning session to involve the community residents in the budget planning process of the association.
• Recorded the DRCA Silent Witness Reward Program $10,000 Deposit and Aviano Pinnacle Peak Road Improvements $57,000 Deposit to the DRCA Balance Sheet.
• Monitored and adjusted the association bad-debt allowances.
• Ensure steadfast fiscal management relative to all operating and reserve fund account variances.
• Revised the DRCA Collection Policy relative to fee change verbiage and to implement that all final demand notices be mailed to the property and billing addresses before an account is sent to legal collections.

In his closing and farewell remarks to the association members, Jim officially stated at his last board meeting as the Desert Ridge Community Association Board Treasurer and Finance Committee Chairman: “It has been a pleasure to serve and represent the wonderful community we live and call home here in Desert Ridge for two (2) years. Although much has been achieved for the betterment of Desert Ridge during my tenure, there is still much more work and development ahead that our community board and committees are proactively advancing and well-involved. I wish the new board and the committees continued success and thank you all for your volunteerism, hard work, support and contributions!”

We thank Jim for his outstanding service and invaluable contributions to our community. We encourage you to thank Jim as well when you see him around the community.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair