From The President

From the President
Our Successful Accomplishments in 2018

As a new year arrives, I like to reflect upon the accomplishments we’ve enjoyed in the past 12 months.  It’s been another incredibly productive year – and another year without an increase in the fees to the members of our Association.
To be efficient, I’ll focus on the highlights:
•  The DRCA Board of Directors finalized and approved the 2019 annual budget. This represents the 14th consecutive year that the Master Association annual assessment of $372.00 was not increased.
•  The Desert Ridge Community Association (Master Association) assumed the responsibility for maintenance in the Fireside Community.  As part of this action, the DRCA Board of Directors approved a loan to the Fireside HOA (sub-association) of $440,000 to assist the sub-association in bringing the Fireside neighborhood up to the Desert Ridge Community Association standards.  Two major areas of work included the replenishment of common area decomposed granite at a cost of $370,000 and replacing $70,000 in missing plants.  The DRCA loan enabled the DRCA to avert a potential special assessment to the 914 Fireside HOA residents, which the Fireside HOA Board of Directors agreed to repay the DRCA from future home resales via their neighborhood enhancement fund.
•  The DRCA transferred an additional $500,000 from the operating account to the DRCA reserves, which are fully funded at 112% as of the 2018 fiscal year end.
•  The DRCA engaged Rick Engineering Company to perform an extensive assessment of the Yavapai and Coconino washes to develop plans for future erosion remediation.
•  The DRCA worked with AAA Landscape to perform the 2018 Tree Trimming based on their certified arborist recommendation to trim 1,608 trees and remove 17 trees throughout the Community.
•  DRCA Board of Directors approved an extensive paint project of the common area walls, monuments, light poles, utility boxes, bridges and arterial intersections street traffic signal poles to the new updated and approved colors proposed by the Design Review Committee.
•  The DRCA secured a new office lease on High Street for a lease term of 65 months. The new office lease resulted in a reduced office footprint and an annual savings to the association of $26,000.
•  The 2018 Monsoon storms caused widespread community damage and uprooted trees throughout the Desert Ridge (Master Association) common areas and to private residences. AAA landscape and our management team had to perform several site inspections with the claim adjuster(s) to document the claim damage for insurance purposes (for each claim occurrence); before storm damage clean-up and maintenance could be performed. There were several claims filed by the association during the monsoon season amassing to about $75,000-$80,000 in storm damage claims.
•  A total of 17 sidewalk slabs throughout the community were identified and addressed due to uprooted trees, with a total 51 root barriers installed to prevent future damage to the adjacent walkways.
•  The DRCA commenced the formation of a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.  This corporate entity is being organized for future charitable, educational and cultural purposes, including, for such purposes, charitable fundraising.
•  The Desert Ridge Community Association Design Review Committee is finalizing proposed updates to the Residential Design Guidelines that will be drafted and sent to all community members for their review and input in 1st quarter 2019.
•  The Desert Ridge Community Association commenced online electronic voting in 2018, which enabled the association to generate savings of $9,000 due to reduced mailings, postage and other related administrative expenses.  Members are encouraged to use online e-voting to cast their annual ballots in the future.
•  The DRCA partnered with High Street Buildings, LLC to facilitate the return of the Desert Ridge Farmers Market to High Street.  The Farmers Market on High Street is now a weekly market during the months of October through April.
•  The DRCA also partnered with the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation to advance community lifestyles event at Reach 11 including the Easter Egg Scramble, Teen Battle of the Bands and the Holiday Snow Blast Signature Events.
•  The DRCA advanced the community Strategic Community Plan and its involvement with the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department relative to the development and recent opening of Pinnacle Park (Dog Park).

I feel extremely good about the work the DRCA has accomplished in the past 12 months.  Our reserve fund is at 112% funding, our communities are being well managed, and our common areas have never looked better.  We will keep raising the bar and raising our expectations as we move forward.

On behalf of the Desert Ridge Community Association Board, I thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you in the neighborhood!

Doug Dickson
Desert Ridge Community Association


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair