Explorer Middle School Visual Arts Teacher

My name is Heidi Barrow and I am the Visual Arts teacher at Explorer Middle School. I teach both beginner art and advanced art classes, offering students an introduction to art and preparation for high school art.

In this edition of Artist Spotlight I would like to highlight drawings that were created by my advanced art 8th graders. In advanced art students can work on one project for up to a month, spending much more time and adding more detail than they would be able to in beginner art. All of the artwork in this artist spotlight took three to four weeks to complete. There are two pencil drawings of elephants. The students utilized a grid to help make their drawings more realistic. There are three pen & ink stippling drawings. Students create these drawings by dipping a pen into ink and they stipple all of the detail and value for the drawing to come to life. The wolf drawing is half pencil drawing with shade and shadow and the other half is created using a zentangle patterns.

I am so pleased with the level of work, commitment, and passion these talented students have demonstrated with their artwork.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair