Desert Ridge Monument Sign

Latest Winter 2016 Posts

Winter 2016 Keeping Up with PVCC

Winter 2016 Keeping Up with PVCC

PVCC Honors Veterans PVCC’s new Veterans Services office was unveiled recently at an Open House for campus and community members. Those in attendance included MCCCD Governing Board members Mr. John Heep, Mr. Dana Saar, and Desert Ridge resident Ms. Johanna Haver, who...

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Winter 2016 Compliance Community Corner

Winter 2016 Compliance Community Corner

Exterior Lighting and Holiday Lights Compliance has been out doing tours of the view fencing throughout Desert Ridge and have been noticing a lot of unapproved lighting strung on the top of view fencing and along patios and gazebos. Lighting that is strung on a string...

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Maintaining Our Community

Maintaining Our Community

By Doug Dickson, President Desert Ridge Community Association Did you know that Desert Ridge has become one of the premier communities in Phoenix? We have a fantastic location, incredible recreational facilities, great schools and a crime rate that’s less than half of...

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Home Safety Awareness During the Winter Months

Home Safety Awareness During the Winter Months

This time of year is an especially important time to check the batteries in your smoke detectors. December, January, February, and March are peak months for home fire deaths. In fact, three out of five home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes without working...

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Where did 2015 go?

Where did 2015 go?

With everything happening around Desert Ridge time just seems to fly. And 2016 is looking even more exciting. That is why you are going to see us changing. Desert Ridge is growing. We have new neighbors moving in daily at the Sanctuary, Villages at Aviano, and the new...

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The Legacy of Stradivarius

The Legacy of Stradivarius

The Legacy of Stradivarius comes to life as never before at the musical instrument museum. On display for the first and only time in the US Opening January 16, as part of its five-year anniversary celebration, the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) will bring to Arizona...

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