Desert Ridge Monument Sign

Latest Summer/Fall 2018 Posts

From the President

From the President

DRCA Association Fees - HOW LOW CAN THEY GO? Over the past decade I’ve served as President of the Desert Ridge Community Association (DRCA), we’ve taken an extremely hard line on increasing the fees we charge.  From the very beginning, we made a commitment NOT to...

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From the Communications Chair

From the Communications Chair

From the Communications Chair Every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take, we’ll be watching you. Lyrics from the 1982 song “Every Breath you Take.” Written by Sting, recorded by The Police          ...

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Generation Z

Generation Z

Generation Z           Did you know that every generation has a name?  There are “The Baby Boomers,” “The Millennials,” and “Generation X.”  One of the most significant generations of all is Generation Z. (early 2000’s) That is the generation...

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Living With Coyotes

Living With Coyotes

LIVING WITH COYOTES - NATIVE WILDLIFE CONCERNS           Did you know that coyotes are not only indigenous to Arizona but can be found throughout North America? Coyotes are highly social, urbanized, intelligent, adaptable and opportunistic...

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DRCA Helping Hands

DRCA Helping Hands

DRCA HELPING HANDS           For the 3rd year each June the DRCA Board of Directors and management team as a token of the community appreciation provides cold summer refreshments and cold treats for the AAA Landscape onsite crew that maintains...

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A Special Thank You

A Special Thank You

A Special Thank You By Steve Burns Community Awareness Committee Chairman   It was an honor to serve as the DRCA 2017-2018 Nominating Chair. I would like to thank Dan Oseran and Robert Singer for being on the committee this past year, and congratulate them on...

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Active Shooter and Police Response

Active Shooter and Police Response

Active Shooters and Police Response           By Officer Tim Mitten Community Action Officer Phoenix Police Department Black Mountain Precinct   In the history of the world there have been many examples of the brutality of man and...

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Pinnacle Park at Reach 11

Pinnacle Park at Reach 11

PINNACLE PARK AT REACH 11           Currently under development is the newly named “Pinnacle Park” located in the Northeast Phoenix Reach 11 area directly south of Pinnacle High School. In an effort to generate enthusiasm and support for...

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Community Compliance Corner

Community Compliance Corner

COMMUNITY COMPLIANCE CORNER   TREE STAKES           Staking of your trees is important for the tree when it is young and freshly planted. As your tree begins to grow and mature over time the need for these stakes may not be a necessity...

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Summer Safety

Summer Safety

SUMMER SAFETY           By Steve Burns Community Awareness Committee Chairman   How many times have you seen a distraught person on the news making the statement “I just went in for a second”? We hear this expression used more often this...

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All Bunker Shots Are Not Alike

All Bunker Shots Are Not Alike

ALL BUNKER SHOTS ARE NOT ALIKE           Hitting your shot into a bunker can be frustrating and deflating.  Often, I see golfers hit the same shot out of the bunker regardless of whether the bunker is in the fairway, greenside or somewhere in...

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Why Does My Elbow Hurt?

Why Does My Elbow Hurt?           By Ryan Lasley, PT, MPT, COMT Spooner Physical Therapy Desert Ridge   Most adults will experience some form of elbow pain in their adult lives. The elbow is a common region for pain and typically present...

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Wildfire Elementary School

          Wildfire Elementary School It’s hard to believe that the 2017-18 school year is wrapping up already! So many wonderful memories come to mind as I reflect on the year. Teachers and staff worked together to provide meaningful learning...

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Dear Fireside Community

          Dear Fireside Community Thank you for another Awesome Year at Fireside Elementary. We experienced impressive achievements and accomplishments in all of our classes this year. Our students grew literally as well as academically,...

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