Latest Community Posts

Examining a Swing Change

Examining a Swing Change

By Matt Keel As a golf instructor, I come across golfers who are very frustrated with their golf games and have a belief that they will never improve.  I’ll ask these golfers what they are doing to improve.  Most of the time, the frustrated golfers are “trying”...

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The Importance of Community

The Importance of Community

“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” By Amber Roelofs One definition of community is a sense of cohesiveness among a group of people.  For generations, an individual’s community served a vital role in terms of offering camaraderie and...

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Adopt a Sweet and Gentle Older Dog

Adopt a Sweet and Gentle Older Dog

Jennifer Birney PIO Intern Maricopa County Animal Care and Control PHOENIX -- Puppies, kittens and baby animals OH MY! The world is crazy about them and it’s understandable, they’re adorable. What Maricopa County Animal Control (MCACC) finds though, is with so many...

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Compliance Community Corner

Dustin Watkins DRCA Compliance Coordinator Landscape maintenance With all the activities and fun to be had this time of year, it can be easy to forget that there are common landscape maintenance issues that may need to be addressed. Common issues we see this time of...

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High Street Update

High Street Update

If you, or someone you know, drives a Tesla… we now have two Tesla charging stations on the northeast corner of the 53rd/54th Street parking garage.

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Pinspiration: Parent’s Night Out!

Pinspiration: Parent’s Night Out!

PARENT'S NIGHT OUT! Pinspiration is partnering with Build a Racecar Party party on July 31st from 6-9pm to host Parent's Night Out. Enjoy dinner and shopping on High Street AZ and relax while your children have fun crafting and building indoors! Your child will have...

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Find the Hero in You

Find the Hero in You

A special gift for blood donors! Remember September 11, 2001. Give blood, get a t-shirt. All Sept. 10-13 blood donors will receive a free t-shirt in honor of the lives taken on 9/11/01. Friday, September 11, 2015. 8:00am-1:00pm.

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Restaurant Review: Sandbar Mexican Grill

Restaurant Review: Sandbar Mexican Grill

4 stars (480) 585-5900 21001 N. Tatum Blvd. Phoenix, AZ 85050 M-F   11 a.m. – 2 a.m. Sat & Sun  10 a.m. – 2 a.m. There’s something charming about the beach —mix in some ice-cold cervezas with Mexican food and you have Sandbar Mexican Grill.  It’s...

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PVCC Today and Tomorrow

PVCC Today and Tomorrow

Where Education Meets Innovation Summer is a great time to catch up or get ahead at Paradise Valley Community College, especially for students returning home from college, or getting ready to start. In just five weeks, they can complete one, or even two,...

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