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A Special Thank You

A Special Thank You

By Steve Burns
Community Awareness
Committee Chairman


It was an honor to serve as the DRCA 2017-2018 Nominating Chair. I would like to thank Dan Oseran and Robert Singer for being on the committee this past year, and congratulate them on their reappointments to the 2018–2019 Nominating Committee. I would also like to congratulate Carl Prettyman Jr. on his appointment to be the 2018–2019 Nominating Committee Chair. They will all do a great job.

Congratulations to Barry Goldfarb, Carl Prettyman Jr., and Richard Brash for being elected to the DRCA Board of Directors. I have enjoyed working with Barry and Carl on the board for the past several years as well as working with Richard on the Finance Committee.

Special thanks to our community members for their participation and involvement in this year’s annual membership meeting and election. The annual meeting would not be possible without receiving your votes.

This year, we moved to voting electronically online.  By moving to online voting, it has enabled us to cut the association annual meeting expenses by as much as $15,000 over previous years by reducing printing, mailing, and postage costs.

I would like to recognize and thank FirstService Residential for their service to our community. I was first introduced to online voting during one of the educational workshops offered at a FirstService Residential Annual Conference & Expo.

Finally, I would like to thank our DRCA Management team; Terrance, Carmello, Dustin, Sharon, and Sandra. Thanks to their effort and hard work, they put together a wonderful meeting this year.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair

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