Wildfire Elementary

Wildfire Elementary School
Team Wildfire

It’s hard to believe that the 2016-17 school year is wrapping up already! This was my first year as principal and my first year at Wildfire. So many wonderful memories come to mind as I reflect on the year.

Our theme this year was ‘Team Wildfire’. Teachers and staff worked together to provide meaningful learning opportunities and experiences for our students. We completed our first year of implementing departmentalization with our sixth grade students, continued to utilize Professional Learning Communities to support and promote academic achievement, and worked together to foster positive relationships and build rapport with our students.

Wildfire students set many goals this school year and have many wonderful achievements to be proud of. I would like to thank the parents and Wildfire community. It’s true when they say it takes a village to raise a child. Without the parents and supportive Wildfire community this past year would not have been as successful. Our PTO hosted our first annual Firebird Festival in March. It was with great efforts and donations from our community sponsors that helped to make our first festival possible.
Thank you to the students, staff, parents and community for making my first year at Wildfire a fantastic year! Your support and ongoing commitment to ensuring that students are provided the very best educational experience goes without notice! Hats off to an AMAZING year!

Erin Vranesh


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair