Keeping up with PVCC: Where Education Meets Innovation

While some kids wouldn’t dream of going to school where their parents teach, it’s no big deal to Paradise Valley Community College Honors student Becca Clark, whose mom, Lynn, has been an adjunct accounting professor at PVCC since 2011.  This Desert Ridge family selected PVCC as their college of choice – not for carpooling, but for quality.

“I love the students!” says Lynn. “They inspire me to be the best professor that I can.  Also, our professors, administrators and staff are amazing.  They are dedicated to making PVCC the best place for students to begin their college career. “Clark’s 20-year old daughter Becca is a member of Phi Theta Kappa (national two-year honorary society) and recipient of a Presidents’ Scholarship that covers tuition for four consecutive semesters.  The pre-Med student had many college options, but decided on PVCC after taking a class there as a Pinnacle HS senior.  The Honors Program, small class sizes, interaction with professors, and the campus community environment were key factors in her decision to start her college career at PVCC.

Those are also reasons that Stephanie Schaar, an educational consultant and life coach, recommends PVCC to so many of her student/family clients.  The retired high school teacher walks them through the entire enrollment process, and is continually impressed by the care and concern shown by college staff.   She singles out Disability Resources, where the staff helps students learn to advocate for themselves in a college setting, and Testing, where students enter intimidated, but leave inspired.

“Those people must take happy pills,” she says of the Testing Center staff.  “I have gone in there with many kids and it can be scary for them.  But the staff is so absolutely friendly; they take the anxiety out of the process.”

Clark, too, has seen firsthand the student-focused service at the college, noting that “PVCC is a great place for all students from Honors to special needs, and adult learners to Veterans.  It is a very close knit learning community dedicated to the success of our students, no matter how that student defines success.”

Adds Schaar, “I think people make a mistake by underrating what the community college can do for their child.  There are better teachers, classes and quality, plus it makes financial sense, especially if you’re looking at programs that will require graduate degrees.”

Clark agrees wholeheartedly, and is happy that Becca will be joined at PVCC by younger sister Allison in Fall 2016, making them a three-Puma family.

“Allison is really looking forward to it,” says the proud mother. “She has seen her sister love college and excel at PVCC.  I know it is the best place for her. “

News of Note
University of Arizona degree options expanded! The UA North Valley Bachelor of General Studies degree program housed on the PVCC campus has added an additional emphasis – Economy & Industry.  That brings to five the number of themes that can be selected in this degree track – Arts, Media & Entertainment; Global & Intercultural Understanding; Social Behavior & Human Understanding; or Study of the American Experience – all on the PVCC campus!

Need golfers!
Women’s golf team recruiting players!  Full tuition scholarships available.  Practice and play at Wildfire GC.  Apply by January 19.   602-787-7173

Celebrating Veterans
Join PVCC Nov. 9 – 13 as we celebrate Veterans among us, with activities including a flag raising ceremony, BBQ, and inaugural 1-mile walk/run.  Details at

Performing Arts Calendar Highlights 

(Subject to change)
View complete calendar at

Sat., Dec. 5, 9 am–2 pm  |  FREE
Festival of Tales – Storytelling, music, and activities for the entire family.

Jan. 28–31  |  Tickets
Desperado LGBT Film Festival. Info at

Sat., Feb 20, 7:30 pm  |  FREE
Phoenix Experimental Arts Festival

Sat., Feb. 27, 7:30 pm  |  Tickets
The Phoenix Opera Presents: An Evening at the Opera

Fri., Mar. 10  |  Sat., Mar. 11 | Sunday, Mar. 12  |  Tickets
Classic Rock Live: A Tribute to 1979 2016 Fine & Performing Arts Scholarship Fundraiser

Keep up with PVCC – Your Community College – at


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair