Wildfire PTO Information

April 21 -25  Wildfire Recycling Club is
doing a GO Green with Goodwill School Challenge!  Drop your gently used clothing, shoes, books, housewares, and electronics in the bins on the south end of the parking lot.

Baja Beach Party Silent Auction is Saturday May,3rd!!!!! Join us on Saturday, May 3, 2014 from 6-10 pm at the Aviano Clubhouse for a night of fun, entertainment and great auction items to bid on including art items and class baskets created by each class.

Silent Auction Tickets are Still on Sale! The $30/pp ticket price has been extended throughout the week of April 21st. There will be a booth set up after school or you can send in a check through your child’s teacher.  If you have Paypal access please pay using this link below.


A big THANK YOU goes out to Blue Agave for helping us make the event delicious! If you are dining with them in the near future, please let them know how grateful Wildfire is for there contribution to this event.

Volunteering at the Silent Auction is FUN!  You can work a little and play a lot!  There are still time slots available to help before, during or after the event.  Please lend a hand and sign up here.


We are (1) person away from having (100) likes on our Facebook page for silent auction.  Like Us!


Silent Auction Class Baskets and Art Masterpiece must be turned into the front office TODAY  Thank you to all the parents, students and staff that contributed in these efforts The Art Masterpiece items will be on display in the Media Center starting Tuesday, April 22nd.  Come and check out the amazing work your student and other students did!  If you love the art, you can bid on it at the Silent Auction on May 3rd.

PTO  is looking to fill many committee chairs.  We have parents moving on to Explorer and others moving into other committee positions.  Please let us know if you can help out this next year.  Committee Chair openings… Book Fair, Family Mentor, Ice Cream Social, Firebird Fundraiser, Jogathon, Bingo Night, and McTeacher Night. Come to the PTO meeting or email Katie [email protected] or Teala [email protected]

The Annual Wildfire Book Fair is Coming May 5th-8th The Book Fair will be open 30 min before and after school for parents and students to shop.  To get a sneak peak at our Spring Fair go to http://google.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=663b4813b68bf8940f472ed71&id=db76e77670&e=508a29fad1


If you would like to volunteer at our fair www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0B45ABA822A57-spring6/4630170 , need more info, please contact Lorri Bucholz [email protected]
or Stephanie Mason at [email protected]


April 21st – 25th Goodwill Donation Drive Challenge

April 22nd Fiddle Fest

April 29th Early Release

April 29th CIMI Chaperone/Parent meeting

May 2nd Coldstone

May 3rd Silent Auction

May 5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week

May 9th Last Boxtop collection

May 5-8 Book Fair

May 12-16 STUGO Spirit Week

May 13th PTO Meeting

May 14th Band Concert

May 19th Band Night for 4th Graders

May 21st Awards Assembly

May 22nd Last day of School & Kindergarten Culmination


Visit our website at:  http://google.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=663b4813b68bf8940f472ed71&id=e05b0ea5b9&e=508a29fad1 for more Wildfire information and to sign up for our weekly Eblast.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair