Ten Inexpensive Crime Prevention Tips

Officer Timothy Mitten
Community Action Officer
Black Mountain Precinct
Phoenix Police Department

Everybody’s level of security and crime prevention are different. I consistently talk to people who run the gamut of security for themselves and their homes or vehicles. There are some people who believe that they live in a small town and leave their doors and windows unlocked or open. Many neighborhoods in Phoenix have this feel to them but we are a large metropolitan area and with that come crime issues. So I have put together a short list of ten things you can do that are free or relatively inexpensive to prevent some crimes and can act as a reminder as some people may get complacent. As with most crime prevention, nothing is absolute but every little bit helps.

They are not in order of importance, just the way I thought of them.

  1. Put a lock on your side yard gate and on your electrical box of your home.
  2. Keep your garage door closed at all times, even when you are home.
  3. Leave your front door and exterior garage lights on all night, from sundown to sunrise.  Get a timer or timer switch if unable to remember or for out of town trips.
  4. Put your vehicles in the garage. If you must park in the driveway or outside, lock the doors and have windows rolled up all the way. Do not leave any valuables inside car.
  5. Lock all your doors and windows and ensure that the front door has a good deadbolt lock, 3 inch screws in the hinges and strike plate, and a peephole.
  6. If an unknown person comes to the door, do not open the door, talk through the door and ask what they want. If they persist on you opening the door or refuse to leave, call police. Do not ignore the knock or doorbell ring.
  7. When outside walking or at stores, be aware of your surroundings. Try not to get distracted by texting or talking on phone. Keep a watch on children at all times.
  8. Shred all personal documents and do not give out any personal information over the Internet or phone to any unknown person or business. Be aware of too good to be true business opportunities or scams.
  9. While driving, do not text or use laptops or other electronic devices that will distract your attention. If you do go out and have a drink, be responsible and have a designated driver or get a taxi. Pay attention to the speed limit and school zones.
  10. Watch out for each other in your neighborhoods. Be involved in a community Block Watch or other community program in your neighborhood. Get to know your next door and neighbors across the street and report to Crime Stop at 602-262-6151 any suspicious behavior or 911 for crimes in progress.


If I can be of further assistance, please fell free to contact me at 602-495-5238 or at [email protected]. Thanks again for being involved in your community and partnering with the Phoenix Police Department to help improve the quality of life and safety of your neighborhood.


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair