You are invited to write your thoughts or comments to the Desert Ridge Lifestyles editor at: [email protected].
I recently noticed that the fire hydrants in Desert Ridge were all painted (and look great!). Does the City of Phoenix paint the fire hydrants, or is it something that the Desert Ridge Community Association is responsible for maintaining?
Editor: Great question! The maintenance of the fire hydrants is ultimately the city’s responsibility, however limitations to their budget only allows for single hydrants to be painted, as necessary. In an effort to maintain Desert Ridge to a higher standard, the Community Association Board of Directors elected to have the hydrants painted over the summer last year.
We really like the fact that there are multiple ways to get information from the Desert Ridge Community Association. In addition to the e-blasts, web-site and quarterly magazines, are there plans for other means of communicating with residents?
Editor: Yes, we are always evaluating ideas and suggestions from our community. Currently we are looking at ways to offer a phone application and/or texting, as a way of possibly communicating with our neighbors…..Stay tuned!
The Farmers Market Cashman Park at Desert Ridge is fantastic! It is so convenient, that our family loads up the wagon and walks over! Will the Farmers Market return after the summer?
Editor: Everyone involved in the market, considers it to be a huge success. Although Desert Ridge Homeowners Association has no direct affiliation with the market, all involved seem to feel that it will return in the fall. Look for an announcement in the coming months.