The weather is one of the reasons we live – and so many people visit – the Phoenix area in the spring. There’s baseball, golf, swimming pools, plus fabulous shopping and restaurants. So many of us enjoy, or even gloat to snowbound family members, that we are able to take our children outdoors to play in February. There’s no need to bundle them up with scarves, mittens, boots, hats and coats, only to return after 10 minutes frozen to the bone. It’s easy and fun here.
It’s even more fun when you belong to a Desert Ridge Parents Group (DRPG) Play Group. You meet families who have children the same age that you have; who have a great deal in common with you and who your child(ren) will most likely end up going to the same school or preschool. As your children bond, you are more than likely bonding with another parent who is agonizing over potty training for the first time, or thumb sucking or toe walking or any number of trials or tribulations that parents go through.
There is a wide variety of Play Groups that meet weekly, including infant play groups (Mommy bonding time) that are held in parents’ homes on a rotating basis; toddler and preschooler playgroups meet at various parks or occasionally at the local library for Story Time. If there’s not a playgroup that fits your child’s time or day requirements, many parents have started their own play group and others join in. Just post your preference on the group website and soon, people start joining in. Before you know it, your child will be invited to birthday parties and you’ll be talking to the other parents about how you were able to get your child to bed without a fuss.
Join Up
If you’re interested in meeting a group of parents with children who live in your area, check out DRPGonline to join. It’s only $30 a year for the entire family. In addition to play groups, there are Mom’s and Dad’s Night Out, other family events (like a trip to a dairy farm, the children’s museum or even learn how to make a pizza at a local restaurant), crafts for the kids, the Fall Festival and Spring Fling (big events for all the families that belong to DRPG at Cashman Park), clothing and toy swaps, and the list goes on and on.