Letters to the Editor
You are invited to write your thoughts or comments to the Desert Ridge
Lifestyles editor at: [email protected]
I read the Burger roundup in the last issue of Desert Ridge Lifestyles, and I was sad that 25 Degrees wasn’t one of the participants. That was the best burger joint in Desert Ridge!
-Scott S.
Editor: It was great, but we still have other great restaurants. One of the newest additions to High Street, “La Bocca Wine Bar & Urban Kitchen” has gone into the spot formerly used by Skinny Italian, and it is great.
Read our restaurant review of La Bocca in this magazine.
I get Desert Ridge Lifestyles every couple of months, but I’ve started to get another magazine Avi/Fi and I’d like to know if they’re affiliated?
-John B.
Editor: The Desert Ridge Lifestyles magazine is published officially by the Desert Ridge Community Association. Publication of this magazine is currently done on a quarterly basis. The main focus of this Magazine is to be a vehicle for community events, activities, and news coming from the Board of Directors. We are not associated with other private or syndicated publications.
I just got done with your Spring issue and am very concerned about all of the increased traffic that new development will bring to Desert Ridge.
-Mike P.
Editor: All new developments will go through a detailed process by the City of Phoenix to ensure their traffic won’t burden the community. The Board is happy to voice resident concerns to the City of Phoenix Streets and Transportation Department, and help come up with solutions.
The Desert Ridge Lifestyles Magazine is great! I bump into homeowners that do not live in the area and see the magazine in my home and ask about Desert Ridge and what is happening in the area. The magazine is a great way to find vendors, events and just to know what is going on in the Desert Ridge Community. If you do not receive the magazine please feel free to stop by the Desert Ridge Community Association office to pick a copy up today.