Know the Community Rules

Have you checked out the Desert Ridge Community Association Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) lately? If not, now’s a great time to brush up on the community declaration and governing documents.

For those of you who were unaware, CC&Rs play a crucial role in keeping the association running smoothly. CC&Rs are legally binding rules and regulations that each homeowner agrees to when he or she purchases a lot, unit or parcel within the association. If owners rent out their homes, it’s the owner’s responsibility to inform the new residents of the bylaws as well. CC&Rs include stipulations on assessments, the architectural requirements and process, maintenance obligations, land uses, and the governance of the association. All residents need to understand the CC&Rs so they don’t unintentionally violate them; owners can be fined by the association and—in extreme cases—sued for violating the CC&Rs. Owners are empowered when they understand the CC&Rs.

While they may seem arbitrary, the CC&Rs are legally enforceable. When you purchased your home in our common-interest community, you became contractually bound to abide by the covenants that protect the association. Please review them and ensure you are in compliance. They also help ensure the association as a whole can thrive and that members are treated fairly and equally. So don’t be left in the dark—check out the association’s CC&Rs today!

Where can I get my CC&Rs
and other governing documents?

Documents can be obtained via the FirstService Residential (FSR) Connect Desert Ridge Portal by visiting and logging into your account at


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair