Holiday Season Crime Prevention

The holiday season is fast approaching. Halloween leads us into the busy holiday season; a time for friends and family and also for crime to occur.  Some crime prevention and safety awareness reminders:

• When walking to and from stores, keep your head up; be aware of your surroundings.  Walk with a purpose, do not divert your attention by texting or talking on the phone, digging for car keys or burdened with too many bags or packages.

• If you get lost or don’t remember where your car is parked, return to the store, ask for assistance from a security officer or store employee. Don’t wander around looking lost; you could be targeted as a victim. If someone is near or in your car, do not approach it, walk back to where you came from and call police or security.

• Park in a well-lighted area, don’t park in dark or far away places. 

If it is daylight when you arrive, park as if it were dark.

• Roll car windows all the way up and LOCK your car. Do not leave valuables, packages, etc. in plain view inside the car; put them all in the trunk.

• Don’t keep large amounts of cash with you or display cash when shopping.  Be on guard while at ATM’s.

• Keep a constant eye on your children. ALWAYS know where they are and keep them in sight. Hold children’s hands when crossing streets or in parking lots. Be aware of cars backing up in parking lots.

• Do not drink and drive, please use a designated driver or call a taxi. Please enjoy the season but drive patiently and responsibly.

I can be reached at 602-495-5238 or at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns in your community. I look forward to continuing to serve you as we continue to make the City of Phoenix a great and safe place to call home.


By Officer Tim Mitten

Community Action Officer

Phoenix Police Department

Black Mountain Precinct


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair