Happy New Year!

We are hoping that the Holidays brought you and your loved ones all that you had hoped for the season.

Please enjoy this first, “Special Edition” of your Desert Ridge Lifestyles Magazine.  With all that is going on in the Valley between our holiday and spring issue, we thought it was warranted. There are many events in our city surrounding Super Bowl XLIX, the Pro Bowl, Auto Auctions and Golf Tournaments. We’ve done our best to include information about each, in hopes you’ll attend those of interest.

Please pay special attention to our cover story, as it is highlights our community’s first charity event! “Casino Night,” hosted at and benefiting our own very Musical Instrument Museum, will be held the evening of Saturday, February 28th. Details to follow, via e-blasts, the website (desertridgelifestyles.com), and in a special postcard being sent directly to all of our homeowners…Stay tuned and please, “Save the Date”!!!

As always, we welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions at: [email protected]

Brad Slager
Communications Committee Chair
Desert Ridge Community Association


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair