From the President

You may have noticed the changes to neighborhood entrances throughout Desert Ridge. All of the Association maintained entrance monuments have received a much-needed facelift. The improvements include new plantings, boulders, advanced irrigation systems, ultra-efficient LED lighting and signage. These improvements are important investments into our community and funded by the reserve funds of the Desert Ridge Community Association. They are part of the ongoing commitment your DRCA Board has to excellence in our community and raising property values in Desert Ridge.


Green Actually Saves Green

Not only do these improvements look good, they’re also incredibly efficient! The conversion to LED lights in our monuments and throughout our washes will save over $350,000 in electricity over the life of the bulbs. Our new irrigation controller has already saved over $10,000 this year alone by applying the proper amount of water and instantly detecting leaks as they occur. The best part is that we’ll enjoy these savings year after year, allowing us to stretch every Association dollar, minimize our impact on the environment and keep Association fees as low as possible.


A Landmark Edition

The DRCA Communications Committee recently announced that our Desert Ridge Lifestyles Magazine has now contracted with enough display advertisers that it not only pays for itself, but has also become a source of income for our Association. Congratulations to our Communications Committee and its chair Dan Oseran for all their hard work. Please take a moment to review the advertisers in our magazine and let them know you have read and appreciate their ads.


Another Great Lifestyle Event

I’d like to publicly thank the Aviano Board of Directors, Marsha Hove, Christy Stokes and other contributors for another magnificent Independence Day celebration. It was a beautiful night for everyone to enjoy the music, dancing, patriotism and fireworks. We hope that you’ve been around this summer to see some of the great things happening in Desert Ridge. If not, we hope that you were pleasantly surprised by the improvements and changes you may have noticed as you returned.


On behalf of the DRCA Board, we appreciate your support and look forward to talking with you in person at a monthly board meeting or lifestyle event.
Doug Dickson
Desert Ridge Community Association


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair